Practical Parenting

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #51 – Paul Smolen, MD – Parenting Class

This weeks guest is my friend, Dr. Paul Smolen, also known as Doc Smo by his friends, is a pediatrician with 38 years of experience caring for children and families. He is a graduate of Duke University (1974), Rutgers Medical School (1978), and Wake Forest University-N.C. Baptist Hospital (1982). At Wake Forest University he completed a residency in general pediatrics, served as chief resident, and completed a fellowship in ambulatory pediatrics. For over 38 years, he was an Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill helping to train a generation of medical students and pediatric residents as well as author several research papers. He is also the author of two parenting books,  Can Doesn’t Mean Should (2015) and Great Kids Don’t Just Happen (2019). Doc Smo is a bona-fide expert in knowing what parents want and need to know about parenting and child health. Imparting practical and useful advice is the goal of every “Pedcast” that he produced over his podcasting career.
This week we discuss his book Great Kids Don’t Just Happen.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 21

Literature review this week: Plastics in the blood, dogs can sniff Covid, mental health and exercise, CT scans and brain cancer risk, aging and the microbiome. Also, a piece on mothers and the shaming from social media critics. Recipe is coconut curry fish.

For example: Brain Cancer – a single CT can raise the risk of cancer of the brain in children if the exposure occurs before age 22 years.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 19

This week is a literature review where we look at the topics of school mental health struggles, safetyism, crispr therapy, immune skin cell programming and rapid weight gain in infants. Part II we discuss kitchen safety. We finish up with part III and estrogen, the microbiome and women’s health.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #41 Pam Staples, PhD – Teenagers and Parenting

This weeks guest is Dr. Pam Staples. She is a friend and as amazing therapist. Her Bio lists her as having received a master’s and a doctorate in the field of Psychology. For her entire 40 year career, she chose to work with a very special population—teenagers. Working with teens has been so incredibly rewarding for Dr. Pam. She could see the innate opportunities to help change the trajectory of a teenager’s life, which are so potent during this delicate developmental stage. She describes herself as the “temporary third parent” when working with teens alongside their parents. Dr. Pam shared many of the tools in her wide ranging “tool kit” with her beloved teen clients. As a result, many of them are flourishing as adults today and seek out Dr. Pam to share their stories to this day.

It is a joyful conversation that goes all the way around the world of parenting teens.

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 52

12 years gone by! 624 newsletters down. So much has changed in the past 12 years since I began this journey of writing and learning. We wrap up the 12 year of the podcast with top ten things learned. Also touch on the mineral zinc as well as Long Distance Love Bombs.
Best to all,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #37 Jeremy Goldberg – PhD – Words, Relationship and Life

This weeks Guest is Dr. Jeremy Goldberg. He styles himself as a compassion cultivating day making change agent/empathy collecting not quitting word wizard/chief burrito appreciator aspiring to inspire/struggle overcoming ranter in charge/ferocious idealist/never giver upper/a love bombing kindness pirate. What he really does, in my mind, is write and teach the world to project love and kindness where it is not layered enough.

On his website he writes:

My mission is to make kindness cool, empathy popular, and compassion commonplace.  As part of that purpose, I write articles, send emails, host retreats and workshops, give TEDx talks, coach clients, host a podcast, write books, and make spoken word poetry videos.  I am also active on Facebook and Instagram, leading an online tribe of more than 35,000 badass humans. If you want to learn more about me, click here for a short list of my favorite shit on the planet.

My name is Jeremy, I founded Long Distance Love Bombs, and I am fucking stoked to meet you.  Send me an email and let’s get going: LongDistanceLoveBombs at gmail dot com.

We breakdown words, relationship, connection and being happy in a world of silly tribal divisiveness!

This was a super fun conversation to have been a part of!


Dr. M


Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 46

This week we look at PFAS Chemicals – Otherwise called “Forever Chemicals”

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) or forever chemicals are being found all throughout the world as their use has risen over the past 6 plus decades. PFAS are a family of chemicals known as POPS or persistent organic pollutants as they are reported to not break down easily. They have been found in products like Teflon based nonstick cookware, Scotch Guard and Gortex stain-resistant carpeting and clothing, dental floss, commercial firefighting foams and many types of food packaging. Unfortunately, these toxins have been detected in drinking water, house dust and foods/beverages of common consumption…..
We will also discuss children’s strengths and hospitals.
Dr. M