
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 25

Coronavirus Update 63 plus other stuff – Lots on boosters today while the persistent world of Covid exposure drags on. Omicron US strains: newer variant BA.2 makes up 35% of current case volume based on different parts of the country while omicron BA BA 1.1.529 is at 6% and B 2.12.1 is 59%. Delta is gone by competition. Cases are increasing in some cities with little increase in hospital morbidity and mortality. In essence we are still fairing quite well in the new norm. Quick Hits and other musings!
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 24

A subset of children may be more susceptible to respiratory infections of viral and bacterial varieties based on some new research. It appears that the microbiomes of the nasopharyngeal respiratory tract and host immune defenses play a major role here. We discuss some new research regarding infection risk. We also discuss snakes, post bite care and avoidance.

More to learn,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Journal Club #2 with Andrew Brackins MSIV -TBI/Concussion and Fish Oil

Journal Club #2 with Andrew Brackins MSIV

Topic today – Traumatic brain injury or concussion is a significant problem in young adults and children. What do we know about the reasons why some people suffer longer term symptoms? What can we do to mitigate risk going forward? Fish oil is an omega 3 fatty acid that has recently gained attention as a possible therapeutic pre and post head trauma. Let us explore the head injury landscape together in this Journal Club episode.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issues 18 and 20

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issues 18 and 20

This week we dive into prenatal multivitamins, screen usage, insect induced disease and much more. What can you do to support your teens with vitamins? What are the best mitigation measures for insect bites and their consequences? How are screens affecting our kids? ….


Dr. M

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