
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 27

Coronavirus Update #64

What is the current state of affairs? We have a highly contagious and mutational SARS2 virus that is present in the United States. The mutations usually occur overseas in vaccine naive areas. The landscape here has changed as most of us have some immunity as vaccine induced, viral induced or a hybrid combination. That reality has dramatically reduced the death and hospitalization rate so that my colleagues in the ICU feel little to no stress anymore from Covid despite relatively high circulating case volume compared to other waves except wave 4. We discussed boosters and much more this week.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 26

Depression has been a problem for humans for a very long time. It is the leading cause of suicide and lost vitality for life. It is a tricky disease that has been more prevalent and severe in the last few decades. the pandemic was not kind to people suffering from mood dysthymia. Traditional pharmacological and verbal based therapies have been useful for some while not so much for others. The treatment resistant group is the focus of a new series of studies with psychedelic medicines. These studies are offering hope for many individuals that previously had none.

In this audiocast, we also cover critics and school start times. 

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #23 – Duey Freeman – An Uncivilized Journey Part 3

Duey Freeman, MA, LPC is co-founder of the Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies, director of the Gestalt Institute of the Rockies and owner of his psychotherapy private practice. After teaching for 24 years at Naropa University he has decided to move in a more creative direction. Most recently and in collaboration with Kimberly Beck M Ed he has created: The Coming Home Project and Relational Rewilding Retreats. 

Duey is a dispenser of wisdom for Men. He is a specialist in relationship and understanding the breakpoints and blindspots that people have to their relational problems. We go through discussions of connecting with others, consequences versus punishments, living in communication and general love.

Enjoy my conversation with Duey Freeman,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #21 – Traver Boehm – An Uncivilized Journey

What does it mean to be a man in modern times? To be in tune with and feel all aspects of one’s life experiences? To be unapologetic, authentic and safe? To move past trauma and pain? In other words, to be a man uncivilized.
To better understand these questions, I give you the words or Traver Boehm: “Men had to choose between two outdated and broken options….Be the Lone Wolf and die ALONE with a chest full of unexpressed emotions and a wake of broken relationships behind him. A man who thinks the feminine is weakness and weakness is unbearable. He misunderstands that within his weaknesses lie his greatest strengths. Or… Be the Sensitive New Age “Nice Guy” and have a million bestest girlfriends, now living as the wolf in sheep’s clothing. A man who thinks the masculine is terrifying and is forced to deny every aspect of his own manhood. If you are a “Nice Guy”— you are living someone else’s life. But the truth wasn’t in these two options, was it? I knew it. Most men knew it. We just couldn’t find it. And until you have your own back, you can’t truly have anybody else’s. WHAT IF THERE WAS AN OPTION FOR MEN TO BREAK OUT OF THEIR CAGED LIVES AND BECOME FREE?
A Good Man, a Strong Man, a WHOLE MAN.”
This podcast is an exploration of Traver and his thoughts on these topics. He is a man on a mission to help men become better men. He is a thinker, podcaster, writer and so much more.
Enjoy my conversation with Traver Boehm,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Covid Pathophysiology Deep Dive, Death Risk and Disease Prevention

Covid Pathophysiology Deep Dive, Death Risk and Disease Prevention

In this weeks podcast we go very deep into the world of why Covid19 was able to produce so much mortality in the United States. Why were we so unprepared to survive as a culture? Why is this virus so capable of hijacking our immune physiology for it’s benefit? What are the upstream risk factors for a bad outcome. But most importantly, we learn the immune based reasons why we are at risk at the micro level leading to concrete pathways to undoing the risk.

Diving deep is sometimes necessary to find the treasure below. This week is one of those journeys.

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #16 – Dr. George Munoz – Covid Risk and Prevention

Podcast #16 – Dr. George Munoz – Covid Risk and Prevention

Dr. George Munoz is a board certified Rheumatologist with over 30 years of experience with complex immune related disorders. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Columbia before heading to Mount Sinai School of Medicine for his medical degree. He pursued a Rheumatology fellowship at Harvard before we crossed paths during our Fellowship in Integrative medicine at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.  George is a thinker and a gentleman whose mission has been to change the lives of individuals suffering from Rheumatologic disease.

As Covid has been omnipresent in our lives, we decided to sit down and discuss the underlying risk factors of Covid disease and what can be done to reduce future risk. It is a wide ranging conversation that covers the gamut of lifestyle related factors predisposing us to disease.


I hope that enjoy my conversation with Dr. George Munoz,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 11, Covid Updates 56

Coronavirus Update #56 – This audiocast is a deeper dive into covid and children’s mental health.

In my opinion, our children’s mental and physical health need to take primacy over pandemic fear at this time. We will dive deeply here. Also, Omicron’s sibling is the new variant BA.2. It appears to be very very similar to Omicron from the same lineage genetically with 50 amino acid changes. It is more infectious by 10-30% by most recent data. No data that it is more deadly to date in humans although a preprint article from a Japanese research group noted that in an animal model the disease is worse than BA.1 Omicron. (Yamasoba et. al. 2022) They noted more cellular fusion increasing infectivity and also more lung cell infection increasing morbidity. The immune protection from BA.1 against BA.2 was reduced by 6X. This does not mean that humans will respond the same way as the animal model results. It bears watching. So far, I have seen no data that humans are suffering worse disease. United States BA.2 numbers remain less than 10% likely due to the quality immunity achieved following the massive Omicron BA.1 surge the past 8 weeks. Our T and B cell immunity from BA.1 should serve to protect most of us from any issues with BA.2. Time will tell, but so far so good.
Be well,
Dr. M