
Dr. Magryta’s Newsletter Coronavirus Update #36

We must have discourse regarding experimental vaccinations to be a moral society. For this reason, I will take on this controversial topic.
Are we all ok with an emergency use authorization for the COVID19 vaccine for children under age 16 years old? That is a loaded question. In the British Medical Journal we see a piece written by Drs. Pegden, Prasad and Baral this week. They state: “For adults, the benefits of covid-19 vaccination are enormous, while for children they are relatively minor. Rare side effects from adult covid-19 vaccination are unlikely to lead to future vaccine hesitancy whose public health impact could be comparable to the benefits of the adult covid-19 vaccination program itself. But accelerated mass child vaccination under emergency use authorization—perhaps even spurred by school mandates and “vaccine passports”—presents a different balance of risks and benefits. The possibility that rare adverse events could emerge as the more durable public health legacy of an emergency use authorization for child covid-19 vaccines is much greater.” (Pegden et. al. 2021)…….
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Protected: Can Pesticides harm Your Children (Archived Pedcast)

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Protected: 5 Important Reasons Not to Feed Your Children Processed Food (Pedcast by Doc Smo and Sonya Corina Williams)

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Protected: Grandma Was Right, Children Don’t Need Snacks (Archived Pedcast)

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It’s Winter, Are Your Children Vitamin D Deficient? (Archived Pedcast)


Our great grandmothers knew that vitamin D deficiency was a big problem for her children, hence the daily fight over giving your grandfather his cod liver oil. Great Grandma didn’t know what vitamin D was or what was in cod liver oil, but she knew it kept her kids healthy. How did she figure all this out, long before the era of biochemistry? I don’t know. All I can figure is that she was truly a genius. But now this old fashion disease, vitamin D deficiency, and its many variants, are making a comeback. So in this pedcast, we are going to learn more about vitamin D and how you can avoid your children from becoming D-ficient in this important chemical of their bodies.


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Protected: Important Reasons to Avoid Feeding Your Children Processed Foods (Pedcast by Sonya Corina Williams)

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