
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 25

Coronavirus Update 63 plus other stuff – Lots on boosters today while the persistent world of Covid exposure drags on. Omicron US strains: newer variant BA.2 makes up 35% of current case volume based on different parts of the country while omicron BA BA 1.1.529 is at 6% and B 2.12.1 is 59%. Delta is gone by competition. Cases are increasing in some cities with little increase in hospital morbidity and mortality. In essence we are still fairing quite well in the new norm. Quick Hits and other musings!
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #18 – Dr. Steve Borowitz – Children, Constipation and Cow’s Milk Intolerance

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #18 – Dr. Steve Borowitz – Children, Constipation and Cow’s Milk Intolerance

In this podcast, I sit down with Pediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Steve Borowitz from the University of Virginia Department of Pediatrics to discuss the current reality of constipation in children as well as cow’s milk intolerance. Dr. Borowitz graduated from Tulane University and Rush Medical College before attending Vanderbilt University for his Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellowship. He is a wealth of knowledge and one of my favorite teachers. We dive into the deep end of the pool on these two topics specifically focusing on root causes and treatment.



Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #17 – Dr. Larry Rosen – Children and a Pandemic

This week, I sit down with Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Larry Rosen as we dive into the world of children post Covid. What is happening to them and what do we need to do to right the ship? Dr. Rosen is the founder of the Whole Child Center in New Jersey. He is the co-author of “Treatment Alternatives for Children,” an evidence-informed guide for parents interested in natural solutions for common childhood ailments.
He graduated from New York Medical College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He then completed his residency and chief residency in pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Additionally, he is a founding member and former Chair of the AAP Section on Integrative Medicine, and he received the AAP’s Pioneer in Integrative Medicine award in 2015.
He serves as Senior Advisor and Chair of the Health Advisory Board for WholeHealthED, a nonprofit devoted to bringing whole health learning to U.S. schools.
Larry is an exceptional human, a thoughtful person and finally a teacher and leader in the healing space of children nationally.
I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Larry Rosen,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #16 – Dr. George Munoz – Covid Risk and Prevention

Podcast #16 – Dr. George Munoz – Covid Risk and Prevention

Dr. George Munoz is a board certified Rheumatologist with over 30 years of experience with complex immune related disorders. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Columbia before heading to Mount Sinai School of Medicine for his medical degree. He pursued a Rheumatology fellowship at Harvard before we crossed paths during our Fellowship in Integrative medicine at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.  George is a thinker and a gentleman whose mission has been to change the lives of individuals suffering from Rheumatologic disease.

As Covid has been omnipresent in our lives, we decided to sit down and discuss the underlying risk factors of Covid disease and what can be done to reduce future risk. It is a wide ranging conversation that covers the gamut of lifestyle related factors predisposing us to disease.


I hope that enjoy my conversation with Dr. George Munoz,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 9, Covid Updates 55

Covid Update # 55
Now that we are passed the opinion Covid newsletter from 2 weeks ago, let us get back to the business of literature review. We need to maintain a sharp focus as a culture on inflammation reducing lifestyle choices to aid our long term survival. The powers that be need to push a stronger narrative around healthy living through education. These issues should be straight forward education with a love bend. This is not a time for the policy makers to act as if they know what is best for us. More that we could all benefit by making these choices for our collective health. We need congress to subsidize healthy food over processed junk as is occurring now.
This week is a heavy focus on Long Covid or PACS. Next covid update will focus on mental health.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 7, Covid Updates 54

Coronavirus Update #54 – This audiocast is a deeper dive into policy and opinion based on the same for Omicron.

In my opinion, our children’s mental and physical health need to take primacy over pandemic fear at this time. They are in a very very very low risk scenario from COVID, however, they remain in a high risk scenario from a mental and metabolic health perspective. The scales do not favor current school based mitigation measures based on risk and health from Omicron and the downstream events relate to it. If you are a young person, boosting is questionable, especially if you are a male with myocarditis risk. The WHO and European Union are not recommending it at this time. The CDC is recommending down to age 12. Let us say that you are 18 years old and male. If a young adult receives a third dose of an mRNA vaccine which provides marginal to no transmission benefit for 90 to 110 days and minimal disease severity reduction because it is already almost zero after a 2 dose series, what is the point. Are our youth supposed to protect the unvaccinated? The vaccinated and boosted with risk factors? For how long? Then what? Do it again, and again every three months as immunity wanes rapidly? Has this ever been done before or well studied? Nope.
Be well,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #14 – Dr. Richard Johnson, Nature Wants Us To Be Fat

Richard J. Johnson, M.D. is the Tomas Berl Professor of Medicine and the Chief of the Renal Division and Hypertension at the University of Colorado since 2008. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with a major in Anthropology, and a graduate of the University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, he is a physician and nephrologist whose research has focused on the role of sugar, and especially fructose, in driving obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease. Much of this work has explored the role of fructose metabolism, especially the generation of uric acid, in driving this phenotype, and his work has included studies ranging from molecular biology, integrative physiology, and evolutionary biology. He is the author of The Sugar Fix which introduced the first low fructose diet, and also The Fat Switch which explores the role of fructose in driving the obesity epidemic. His newest book, Nature Wants Us To Be Fat, is a tour de force of the entire pathway of survival via metabolic events in the body related to fructose and the polyol pathway. This is a must read book. This podcast will introduce you to the exceptional work of Dr. Johnson and how we are now mismatched metabolically for the environment of modern America and our food systems.

Please enjoy this wide ranging conversation.

Dr. M