
Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Omicron Update #2

COVID Omicron Update #2:
Let’s continue to breakdown the new variant and what we know overall. The world according to SARS2 Covid 19 is now the world according to Omicron. What does this mean for us today? How are the vaccines faring? Boosters? Natural illness?
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Omicron Update

COVID Omicron Update:
There is a ton of interesting information flying around about Omicron and the pandemic in general. Today, I breakdown the new variant and what we know overall. It is time to get the facts out there and not just the case volume hype.
COVID Omicron Update: Let’s breakdown the new variant and what we know overall.We need a new look at this situation. The world according to SARS2 Covid 19 Delta is changing to a newer Omicron reality. What does this mean?
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issue 51 and Volume 12 Issue 1, Covid Updates 50 and 51

Coronavirus Updates #50 and 51 – Listen to the latest data driven perspectives on the pandemic and soon to be endemic COVID world. Omicron, vaccines, boosters, prevention and what is happening now are covered. For the written versions please visit:

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Putting It All Together #2

This week on the show, I sit down to put the recent four maternal/child health podcasts into perspective. How are these four experts tied together? We, again, examine the basic underpinnings of maternal health risks through the eyes of these thought leaders in preparation for the next series of discussions. Laying important foundations to build our health literacy upon, is critical in my mind. This show is also a way for the folks that are “on the go” to get a summary of the podcasts for their benefit.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issues 48 and 50

Newsletter #48 – Biological Clock and Aging
What do we really know about aging?
We know that it accelerates under chronic unremitting stress of varied sources. Including – chronic high fat and sugar laden westernized diets, chronic chemical or drug exposure or acute if a toxic load, chronic sedentary behavior, chronic metal sadness or abuse, physical abuse, injury that is profound and much more.
It is no wonder looking at that list that we are aging poorly now despite high quality medical interventions that keep us alive. Thus, what is our biological clock say about our age versus the chronological clock of age. Think of this as how old do you appear biologically or cellularly versus how old you really are by days.
Newsletter #50 – Breastmilk is a Miracle of Evolution
After the birth of a child, a beautiful event occurs and provides a point of visceral connection physically and epigenetically between mom and her babe. That event is breastfeeding. Mother’s milk is an evolutionary marvel whereby a mother dedicates part of her energy stores to her offspring for survival. She gives of herself literally and figuratively even during periods of food scarcity. Over thousands of years, humans have evolved this dynamic and rich fluid to promote species survival in the context of our dependent selves as babies. We have massive brains needing large amounts of energy to grow and mother’s milk is the culmination of the species learned process of survival. Human milk is the perfect dynamic personalized food for an infant to thrive. It is different for each mother child dyad. It changes based on environmental and human flux. It is in simple terms the best food for a newborn while simultaneously being the best medicine for all that ails a newborn.
For the written newsletter visit:

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issues 47 and 49, Covid Updates 48 and 49

Coronavirus Updates #48 and 49 – Listen to the latest data driven perspectives on the pandemic and soon to be endemic COVID world. Vaccines, boosters, prevention and what is happening now are covered.

For the written versions please visit:


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Putting It All Together #1

This week on the show, I sit down to put the first three maternal/child health podcasts into perspective. We take a more nuanced view of how these three experts are tied together. We examine the basic underpinnings of maternal health risks through the eyes of these thought leaders in preparation for the next three experts who will take us on a tour of human health from a microbiome and environmental perspective. This show is also a way for the folks that are on the go to get a summary of the podcasts for their benefit.


Be well,

Dr. M