
Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issue 52 and Volume 12 Issue 2


11 Years Gone by!
What have we learned in 2021?
1) Covid is truly remarkable and also a major pain in the …. Messaging and political policies have been mostly dysfunctional and persist in many places today. The vaccine effort has been nothing less than heroic and saved countless lives. Media companies and the CDC continue to avoid the elephant in the room, poor quality nutrition, obesity and metabolic self induced derangements. Life continues for most of us while we mourn the loss of those that have succumbed to COVID. Getting significant COVID illness portends high death risk acutely and during the first year after recovery by a significant margin. Vaccination for high risk groups is the only chance of reducing this risk. See this mortality Graph (Manious et. al. 2021)
Lymphatics – a plumbing system that follows the circulatory system throughout the body including the brain where it is called the glymphatics. The function of these passively moving tubes is to transport fats around the body, clear cellular debris returning it to the liver and spleen, move fluid in and out of tissue to maintain fluid balance, transport and help immune cells function. These are critical functions of metabolism, immunity and detoxification that when disrupted lead to chronic diseases of aging including edema, hypertension, autoimmunity and cardiovascular disease.
Dr. M
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Women and Children First Podcast #2: Danny Benjamin – COVID 19 and the Return to School

Dr. Danny Benjamin joins me today to discuss COVID19 in children, vaccines and the critical research that his team performed regarding back to school in North Carolina. He is the Kiser Arena Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Duke University and the Principle Investigator of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Pediatric Trials Network. His group performed two large trials of children going back to school in 2020 effectively proving that children being in school face to face was and is safe. We discuss the safety of the mRNA vaccines in the 12 year old and older age group. We dive deep into the risks and fallout from natural COVID infections as well as weigh the scales of vaccination versus natural disease in older children. He is a wealth of knowledge and I am grateful for his time.


Enjoy my conversation with Dr. Danny Benjamin,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 31 Covid Update #40

It is time for a change of direction for me and my vaccine thoughts. A lot of risk analysis this week in children and opinions on masking to be in schools. I have been steadfastly in the push to vaccinate high risk kids over age 12 years only and all else make individual choices. The data keeps shifting and the risk of a potential concern is increasing for adolescents. Read on….
Quick hits
1) COVID mRNA vaccines for 12 and over – a few days ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Danny Benjamin, Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Duke University and Principal Investigator on the NC school COVID study, about the COVID vaccine, variants and risk factors for problems in children. He is a brilliant and thoughtful teacher and someone that I truly trust. Our interview will be live in 1 – 2 weeks at the Women and Children First Podcast on Apple podcasts. However, there was one HUGE takeaway that I wanted to share now.
According to Dr. Benjamin, the COVID vaccine has already surpassed the necessary amount of time and number of inoculated children over 12 years of age to steadfastly discuss safety as a net known entity. In the history of vaccine development, there has never been a case of a new unknown side effect being discovered 6 months post any individual vaccination if enough people have been vaccinated to see a signal….. Read More Here: