Tag Archives: immune tolerance and peanut allergy

Childhood Peanut Allergy (Pedcast)

Today I am going to let you know about a seismic shift that has occurred in the past year with regards to our understanding of allergy; specifically food allergy and likely all types of allergy that children can develop. We’ve known for a long time that children born into Western cultures, during the 20th century, had a much higher chance of developing one of the allergic diseases than do those not born elsewhere. Those allergic diseases are asthma, hay fever, eczema, and the subject of today’s talk, food allergies. We’ve talked about this a lot in various pedcasts on DocSmo in the past five years but the reasons behind this growing allergy trend are beginning to come clear. If you want to listen to some of my old posts, go right ahead. Here they are.






Why so much allergy is the subject for today’s pedcast and, more importantly,  what are the current recommendations by experts to help parents avoid having their children becoming food allergic, specifically, peanut allergic. Continue reading