Tag Archives: literature review

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 42

Musk and Rand
Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson is a book worthy of your time. He is an amazing writer and the context and content are so timely for the happenings of today. The story of Elon Musk remains one to be completely written, but it is being partially displayed in this new book that I am in the early stages of reading. The truth of the matter remains that Elon suffered some significant traumas as a child that have vexed him throughout his life. However, the triumph of his story that is an amazing lesson for all is that the traumas do not define your trajectory nor final outcome. Elon has proven what many others have before him. That in this country, you are the architect of your destiny. Your are NOT defined by your past in anyway. You are NEVER a victim unless you choose that path. You can always choose to rise above trauma and pain to be your best self. This is not to say that the trauma does not weigh on you and your psyche. To the contrary, as Elon clearly demonstrates, the past is in all of us. It will rise up at times to haunt us. Therein lies your work, to witness, work through and rise above it…..Plus a mini lit review as well as the recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 41

Literature Review:

  1. Over the past 15 years we have noted a connection between the intestinal microbiome and allergic/autoimmune disease activity in humans. This study continues to pull on this thread of knowledge. We see a direct correlation between a dysbiotic microbiome and human disease risk as young as 5 years of age. The upstream targets remain the same. Healthy food, avoidance of chemicals, consistent daily movement, exposure to normal macrobes and microbes, chronic stress mitigation, vaginal deliveries, breast feeding, avoidance of antibiotics/antacids and more…..Then Section II with – Are we addicted to food? and the recipe of the week.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 38

Literature Review

1) “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common mental behavioral disorder in children. Alterations in gut microbiota composition are associated with neurological disorders….Also discussions on CTE, Covid, Omega 3 Fats, and more…
Part II is about learning how to talk to your children and finally the recipe of the week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 37

Literature Review
1) What has happened in the realm of cancer incidence over the last decade? As one would expect, it is climbing especially for breast cancer and GI cancers….studies on plant compounds and neuronal health in babies, covid statistics and more.  Also, information on nutritional misinformation and how to spot it. Plus a recipe of the week.
Enjoy Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 36

Literature Review this Week

1) From Cell Host and Microbe – “The microbiomes of cesarean-born infants differ from vaginally delivered infants and are associated with increased disease risks. Vaginal microbiota transfer (VMT) to newborns may reverse C-section-related microbiome disturbances. Here, we evaluated the effect of VMT by exposing newborns to maternal vaginal fluids and assessing neurodevelopment, as well as the fecal microbiota and metabolome. Sixty-eight cesarean-delivered infants were randomly assigned a VMT or saline gauze intervention immediately after delivery in a triple-blind manner…… and much more about the cutting edge science of today. Also a piece on napping followed by the recipe of the week.


Dr. M



Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 29

Literature Review:
1) Is loneliness tied to an increase in death risk? A new study in Nature says yes to a degree of the pooled effect size of 1.32 for all cause mortality. (Wang et. al. 2023) In effect, that is a very large effect of the variable loneliness on death risk. Why would this be? Many reasons come to mind. The greatest of which is the control that our mind wields on our immune system. If we think in negative and in sad terms over a period of time, the immune system will shift into a pro inflammatory state and weakened pathogen killing which has massive downstream effects on physiology.
2) In an impressive inoculation study in the UK, researchers gave the ancestral strain of SARS2 to test subjects and then followed them for 2 weeks in quarantine……..
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 13 Issue 23

Literature Review: This week we discuss articles about the Inhalation of polyamides or nylon in microsizes, masking and effectiveness, cannabis use in youth and covid 19 versus influenza and more. Part two is a look at research related to pollution and the risk of cardiac disease.


Dr. M