Tag Archives: nutrition

Putting It All Together #3 – Dr. Rick Johnson and the Fructose Story

Putting It All Together #3 – Dr. Rick Johnson and the Continued Fructose Story

In this podcast, we go deeper into the amazing “Survival Switch” research of Dr. Johnson and his team. The evolutionary realities that are at play here are nothing short of astounding for every human alive. To understand this research is to understand a major piece of human disease etiology where the rubber meets the road. Please listen to Dr. Johnson’s podcast #14 – link. before listening to this podcast if possible as they are reinforcing of each other.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 9, Covid Updates 55

Covid Update # 55
Now that we are passed the opinion Covid newsletter from 2 weeks ago, let us get back to the business of literature review. We need to maintain a sharp focus as a culture on inflammation reducing lifestyle choices to aid our long term survival. The powers that be need to push a stronger narrative around healthy living through education. These issues should be straight forward education with a love bend. This is not a time for the policy makers to act as if they know what is best for us. More that we could all benefit by making these choices for our collective health. We need congress to subsidize healthy food over processed junk as is occurring now.
This week is a heavy focus on Long Covid or PACS. Next covid update will focus on mental health.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issues 4,6 and 8

SPA Audiocast Newsletter Letters 4, 6 and 8

In this issue we discuss the story of fructose, letting go and forgiveness and preparation for allergy season. There is a lot of news to use in this audiocast for allergy season preparation and how to release emotional hurts.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 7, Covid Updates 54

Coronavirus Update #54 – This audiocast is a deeper dive into policy and opinion based on the same for Omicron.

In my opinion, our children’s mental and physical health need to take primacy over pandemic fear at this time. They are in a very very very low risk scenario from COVID, however, they remain in a high risk scenario from a mental and metabolic health perspective. The scales do not favor current school based mitigation measures based on risk and health from Omicron and the downstream events relate to it. If you are a young person, boosting is questionable, especially if you are a male with myocarditis risk. The WHO and European Union are not recommending it at this time. The CDC is recommending down to age 12. Let us say that you are 18 years old and male. If a young adult receives a third dose of an mRNA vaccine which provides marginal to no transmission benefit for 90 to 110 days and minimal disease severity reduction because it is already almost zero after a 2 dose series, what is the point. Are our youth supposed to protect the unvaccinated? The vaccinated and boosted with risk factors? For how long? Then what? Do it again, and again every three months as immunity wanes rapidly? Has this ever been done before or well studied? Nope.
Be well,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issue 52 and Volume 12 Issue 2


11 Years Gone by!
What have we learned in 2021?
1) Covid is truly remarkable and also a major pain in the …. Messaging and political policies have been mostly dysfunctional and persist in many places today. The vaccine effort has been nothing less than heroic and saved countless lives. Media companies and the CDC continue to avoid the elephant in the room, poor quality nutrition, obesity and metabolic self induced derangements. Life continues for most of us while we mourn the loss of those that have succumbed to COVID. Getting significant COVID illness portends high death risk acutely and during the first year after recovery by a significant margin. Vaccination for high risk groups is the only chance of reducing this risk. See this mortality Graph (Manious et. al. 2021)
Lymphatics – a plumbing system that follows the circulatory system throughout the body including the brain where it is called the glymphatics. The function of these passively moving tubes is to transport fats around the body, clear cellular debris returning it to the liver and spleen, move fluid in and out of tissue to maintain fluid balance, transport and help immune cells function. These are critical functions of metabolism, immunity and detoxification that when disrupted lead to chronic diseases of aging including edema, hypertension, autoimmunity and cardiovascular disease.
Dr. M
For the written newsletter visit: https://www.salisburypediatrics.com/patient-education/dr-magryta-s-newsletter

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Omicron Update #2

COVID Omicron Update #2:
Let’s continue to breakdown the new variant and what we know overall. The world according to SARS2 Covid 19 is now the world according to Omicron. What does this mean for us today? How are the vaccines faring? Boosters? Natural illness?
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #13 – Dr. Peter Rowe, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid

Dr. Peter Rowe is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He is the inaugural Sunshine Natural Wellbeing Foundation Professor of Chronic Fatigue and Related Disorders and serves as the Director of the Chronic Fatigue Clinic at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

His areas of clinical expertise include chronic fatigue syndrome and other disorders characterized by fatigue and orthostatic intolerance. Dr. Rowe and his colleagues were the first to describe the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and treatable orthostatic intolerance syndromes, as well as the association between Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and CFS.

In this episode, Dr. Rowe and I dive deep into CFS and long Covid for both the parent and the clinician. We set the stage for a better understanding of this complex disorder in order to encourage earlier diagnosis and better therapy.

Please Enjoy,

Dr. M

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