Tag Archives: Omega 3

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 40/41

Literature Review Week

Why do some people react to mosquitoes so vigorously? There is fascinating data for me in the Nature article, as I see lots of kids that react strongly to mosquitoes while others do not at all. A hyper primed immune reaction makes a lot of sense as the immune system is extra sensitive to the insult in individuals that have chronic allergic phenotypes. They are in effect polarized to see the outside world through an irritant lens and thus react in a more robust way. The cell called GD3 releases Interleukin 3 or IL-3 which is a cytokine signaling molecule that tells skin based sensory neurons to become more sensitive to allergens like house dust mites, environmental molds, and in this case mosquito saliva. Thus, the mosquito saliva induces more of the itch scratch cycle. The effect is to increase the gain sensitivity on the skin to 10. This is likely a main reason why having an allergic child take immunotherapy against allergens that they react to lowers the rheostat for all irritants. It is like a global check on the sensory system. This is another reason to consider SLIT and or SCIT immunotherapy in allergic children… Plus a discussion on the Joe Rogan podcast with Callie and Casey Means.


Dr. M


Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #42 Bill Harris, PhD Omega 3 Fatty Acids

This weeks guest is Dr. Bill Harris. Dr. Harris is an internationally recognized expert on omega-3 fatty acids and how they can benefit patients with heart disease. He obtained his Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from the University of Minnesota and did post-doctoral fellowships in Clinical Nutrition and Lipid Metabolism at the Oregon Health Sciences University.
His interest in omega-3 fatty acids began with his postdoctoral work when he published his first study on the effects of salmon oil on serum lipids in humans (1980). Since that time he has been the recipient of five NIH grants for studies on the effects of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) on human health. He has more than 300 publications relating to fatty acids, including omega-3s, in medical literature and was an author on two American Heart Association scientific statements on fatty acids: “Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease” (2002), and “Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease” (2009) both published in the journal Circulation.
Dr. Harris is currently a Professor in the Department of Medicine in the Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota and the President and CEO of the company OmegaQuant.
Our conversation today is wide ranging and highly focused on the need for omega 3 fats as well as the reasons why.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 44

Medication errors are a major risk for morbidity and mortality nationally. The number affected skyrockets into the hundreds of thousands when we look at the countless side effects that do not cause death but leave us miserable and harmed.
When it comes to the children that we treat, physicians and care providers should refuse to give a medicine unless it is absolutely necessary. We explore these topics, a literature review and omega three fatty acids this week.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Journal Club #2 with Andrew Brackins MSIV -TBI/Concussion and Fish Oil

Journal Club #2 with Andrew Brackins MSIV

Topic today – Traumatic brain injury or concussion is a significant problem in young adults and children. What do we know about the reasons why some people suffer longer term symptoms? What can we do to mitigate risk going forward? Fish oil is an omega 3 fatty acid that has recently gained attention as a possible therapeutic pre and post head trauma. Let us explore the head injury landscape together in this Journal Club episode.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #12 – Lily Nichols, Nutrition and Pregnancy

Lily Nichols and I had a lovely discussion on maternal nutrition for podcast episode #12.
Lily Nichols is a registered dietician and a seeker of best practices in nutrition based on cutting edge science and not American Diatetic Association dogma. She is thoughtful and dedicated to helping mothers and mother’s to be navigate the crazy world of food and health.
Her website states:
Standard prenatal nutrition advice is due for an overhaul. Evidence is mounting that real food offers optimal nourishment for mamas and babies.
This statement encapsulates everything that I believe in. We need change around our relationship to food and health and there is no more important place to start than with mom.
I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Lily Nichols,
Dr. M