Tag Archives: school

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #26 – Dr. Bonnie Kaplan – The Better Brain

Dr. Bonnie Kaplan is an emeritus professor in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. She is a research psychologist who has published widely on the biochemical etiologies of developmental disorders and mental health. She studied at Brandeis University, University of Chicago and Butler University. Her focus is the contribution of nutrition to brain development and brain activity. Dr. Kaplan is the recipient of the Dr. Rogers prize for excellence in complementary and alternative medicine.
This week we sit down to discuss her research, her book, The Better Brain and the science of mental health. Her book is a treatise in how to overcome Anxiety, combat Depression and reduce ADHD and stress with nutrition.
I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Kaplan,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 28

Concussions: otherwise known as TBI or traumatic brain injury
Concussion is an injury that is a trauma to the head where the skull stops rapidly and the inner brain gets rotationally or linearly moved beyond its normal confines leading to microscopic nerve injury and subsequent inflammation. The traumatic process occurs suddenly and can have unconsciousness as a consequence. Whether the patient is unconscious or not for a period of time, a full work up is necessary to understand the gravity of the injury and the subsequent therapy. This week we go deep into the pathophysiology of the head injury and Omega 3 fatty acids.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 26

Depression has been a problem for humans for a very long time. It is the leading cause of suicide and lost vitality for life. It is a tricky disease that has been more prevalent and severe in the last few decades. the pandemic was not kind to people suffering from mood dysthymia. Traditional pharmacological and verbal based therapies have been useful for some while not so much for others. The treatment resistant group is the focus of a new series of studies with psychedelic medicines. These studies are offering hope for many individuals that previously had none.

In this audiocast, we also cover critics and school start times. 

Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #17 – Dr. Larry Rosen – Children and a Pandemic

This week, I sit down with Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Larry Rosen as we dive into the world of children post Covid. What is happening to them and what do we need to do to right the ship? Dr. Rosen is the founder of the Whole Child Center in New Jersey. He is the co-author of “Treatment Alternatives for Children,” an evidence-informed guide for parents interested in natural solutions for common childhood ailments.
He graduated from New York Medical College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He then completed his residency and chief residency in pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Additionally, he is a founding member and former Chair of the AAP Section on Integrative Medicine, and he received the AAP’s Pioneer in Integrative Medicine award in 2015.
He serves as Senior Advisor and Chair of the Health Advisory Board for WholeHealthED, a nonprofit devoted to bringing whole health learning to U.S. schools.
Larry is an exceptional human, a thoughtful person and finally a teacher and leader in the healing space of children nationally.
I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Larry Rosen,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Omicron Update

COVID Omicron Update:
There is a ton of interesting information flying around about Omicron and the pandemic in general. Today, I breakdown the new variant and what we know overall. It is time to get the facts out there and not just the case volume hype.
COVID Omicron Update: Let’s breakdown the new variant and what we know overall.We need a new look at this situation. The world according to SARS2 Covid 19 Delta is changing to a newer Omicron reality. What does this mean?
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #10 – Dr. Danny Benjamin, Covid, Schools and Vaccines

Dr. Danny Benjamin joins me again to discuss COVID19 delta variant in children, vaccines and the critical research that his team performed regarding back to school in North Carolina. He is the Kiser Arena Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Duke University and the Principle Investigator of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Pediatric Trials Network. His group performed two large trials of children going back to school in 2020 effectively proving that children being in school face to face was and is safe. We discuss the safety of the mRNA vaccines in the 5 to 12 year old age group.


Enjoy my conversation with Dr. Danny Benjamin,

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 11 Issues 33 and 35 Covid Update #41/42

A few people are asking about the need to vaccinate if you have already had COVID natural illness. What is the story here? Hot off of the press from Cell Reports Medicine, we see: “Ending the COVID-19 pandemic will require long-lived immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Here, we evaluate 254 COVID-19 patients longitudinally up to 8 months and find durable broad-based immune responses. SARS-CoV-2 spike binding and neutralizing antibodies exhibit a bi-phasic decay with an extended half-life of >200 days suggesting the generation of longer-lived plasma cells. SARS-CoV-2 infection also boosts antibody titers to SARS-CoV-1 and common betacoronaviruses. In addition, spike-specific IgG+ memory B cells persist, which bodes well for a rapid antibody response upon virus re-exposure or vaccination. Virus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are polyfunctional and maintained with an estimated half-life of 200 days. Interestingly, CD4+ T cell responses equally target several SARS-CoV-2 proteins, whereas the CD8+ T cell responses preferentially target the nucleoprotein, highlighting the potential importance of including the nucleoprotein in future vaccines. Taken together, these results suggest that broad and effective immunity may persist long-term in recovered COVID-19 patients.” (Cohen et. al. 2021)

Read more for COVID #41……https://www.salisburypediatrics.com/patient-education/dr-magryta-s-newsletter/988-volume-11-letter-33-coronavirus-update-42

Read more for COVID #42……https://www.salisburypediatrics.com/patient-education/dr-magryta-s-newsletter/994-coronavirus-update-42

Happy listening

Dr. M