Tag Archives: tolerance

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Volume 14 Issue 46

Lymphatics – Refresher

Lymphatics – a plumbing system that follows the circulatory system throughout the body including the brain where it is called the glymphatics. The function of these passively moving tubes is to transport fats around the body, clear cellular debris returning it to the liver and spleen, move fluid in and out of tissue to maintain fluid balance, transport and help immune cells function. By transporting fats , lymph is involved in vitamin movement to tissues and cells for Vitamins A, D, E, K. These are critical functions of metabolism, immunity and detoxification that when disrupted lead to chronic diseases of aging including edema, hypertension, autoimmunity and cardiovascular disease.

“Traditionally considered a passive route for transport of fluid, immune cells, and lipoproteins, lymphatics are now known to be active players in major physiological and pathophysiological processes. Until recently, lymphatic vessel dysfunction was mainly associated with primary and secondary lymphedema. Unexpectedly, however, lymphatic vascular defects have been uncovered in conditions such as obesity, cardiovas- cular disease, inflammation, hypertension, atherosclerosis, Crohn’s disease, glaucoma and various neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.” (Oliver et. al. 2021)…and a discussion on chemicals in school food.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #9 – Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh, Evivo Probiotic for Babies

Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh is a nutritional scientist, speaker, and author with over 15 years of experience in scientific communications and life science research. Prior to serving as the Director of Scientific Communications at Evolve BioSystems, she led both product development and research services at various start-up life science companies, including Lipomics Technologies, Tethys Bioscience and Metabolon, Inc. Dr. Shafizadeh received her PhD in nutritional biology from UC Davis, studying intestinal development and folate metabolism in newborns.

Today, we spend the hour discussing the maternal and infant microbiome with respect to maternal breastmilk, human milk sugars and childhood outcome. Evolve Biosystems has produced a probiotic with excellent science to help guide us in new therapeutic discovery. We head to the beginnings of disease onset when the infant is only starting to take his or her first breaths.

I hope that you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh,

Dr. M