Tag Archives: vaccine

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 33

Coronavirus Update 67

Natural infection provides a much better route to transmission protection than intramuscular systemic vaccination because of the induction of mucosal immunity via IgA and tissue resident T cells. (Tang et. al. 2022) If you can tolerate a natural infection without much morbidity, this seems to be a reasonable choice at this time. This is especially important now with the immune escaping variants of Omicron lineage and the reality of the current vaccine booster pool is lackluster in its effect on transmission. This calculus may change dramatically with a newer Omicron BA.5 specific vaccine that is in the works. And much more this week!

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 31

Coronavirus Update #66

This week is another close look at the current variants of the Omicron lineage, especially BA.5. What is the deal with this strain? Is it causing more heart ache in the United States or just an annoying highly infectious variant? In my opinion, when we have global flairs of Covid 19, there is clear evidence now that individuals that are immune compromised have unwittingly become breeding grounds for genomic mutations in SARS2 leading to variants of concern. These variants become our new circulating troublemakers. Thus, in my opinion, we should be making vaccines in this country that are high quality and targeted to the current strain. Then we should be releasing it worldwide very quickly to people in immune compromised states. This should have the effect of slowing down these emerging VOC’s that are evading our natural and vaccine induced immunity. Finally, we end with a discussion of chronic rhino sinusitis.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 29

Coronavirus Update #65

This week we take another and deeper dive into PACS or long covid. What are the risk factors for it? How does the intestinal microbiome play out in this space? Are there certain bacteria that are associated with a negative outcome? Can we alter them to our advantage? We also take a closer look at the current variants of the Omicron lineage. Finally, we end with a discussion of social media concerns.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issues 21/23, Covid Updates 61/62

Coronavirus Update #61 and 62 – This audiocast newsletter looks further into the new variants and other emerging data sets. More information on boosters, infection risks and opinions from Paul Offit and Monika Gandhi. Plus a look at Adenoviral hepatitis and formula issues.



Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issues 13/15, Covid Updates 57/58

Coronavirus Update #57 and 58 – This audiocast newsletter is a quick hits look at the new variants and other emerging data sets.

We are in an endemic state with SARS2/Covid19. What are the new norms? Do you need a booster dose? Do we know why some people suffer neurological problems? What is affecting the blood brain barrier? These questions and a few others are explored this week.
Be well,
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 9, Covid Updates 55

Covid Update # 55
Now that we are passed the opinion Covid newsletter from 2 weeks ago, let us get back to the business of literature review. We need to maintain a sharp focus as a culture on inflammation reducing lifestyle choices to aid our long term survival. The powers that be need to push a stronger narrative around healthy living through education. These issues should be straight forward education with a love bend. This is not a time for the policy makers to act as if they know what is best for us. More that we could all benefit by making these choices for our collective health. We need congress to subsidize healthy food over processed junk as is occurring now.
This week is a heavy focus on Long Covid or PACS. Next covid update will focus on mental health.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 7, Covid Updates 54

Coronavirus Update #54 – This audiocast is a deeper dive into policy and opinion based on the same for Omicron.

In my opinion, our children’s mental and physical health need to take primacy over pandemic fear at this time. They are in a very very very low risk scenario from COVID, however, they remain in a high risk scenario from a mental and metabolic health perspective. The scales do not favor current school based mitigation measures based on risk and health from Omicron and the downstream events relate to it. If you are a young person, boosting is questionable, especially if you are a male with myocarditis risk. The WHO and European Union are not recommending it at this time. The CDC is recommending down to age 12. Let us say that you are 18 years old and male. If a young adult receives a third dose of an mRNA vaccine which provides marginal to no transmission benefit for 90 to 110 days and minimal disease severity reduction because it is already almost zero after a 2 dose series, what is the point. Are our youth supposed to protect the unvaccinated? The vaccinated and boosted with risk factors? For how long? Then what? Do it again, and again every three months as immunity wanes rapidly? Has this ever been done before or well studied? Nope.
Be well,
Dr. M