Tag Archives: vitamin d

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 34

Literature Review

1) Does oral health affect your life if you are sick and in intensive care? According to a new study in JAMA, the answer is yes. From the study: 10,742 patients – “toothbrushing was associated with significantly lower risk for Hospital Acquired Pneumonia and ICU mortality. Reduction in pneumonia incidence was significant for patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation but not for patients who were not receiving invasive mechanical ventilation. Toothbrushing for patients in the ICU was associated with fewer days of mechanical ventilation and a shorter ICU length of stay. Brushing twice a day vs more frequent intervals was associated with similar effect estimates….Non-ICU hospital length of stay and use of antibiotics were not associated with toothbrushing.” (Ehrenzeller et. al. 2024)

Why does this matter? In effect, what this study shows is that patients with oral hygiene needs that are not met will have increased bacterial burdens leading to infectious disease risk via systemic inflammation and possibly bacterial translocation. At the end of the day, oral hygiene is very important to lower the total burden of inflammation in everyone, but especially in the most ill patient. It is super important for everyone to brush 2-3 x daily and floss daily at night…..

Plus a discussion on Back to School.

Enjoy, Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast #43 Subinoy Das, MD – Ear Infections and Sinus Disease

This weeks guest is Dr. Subinoy Das. Dr. Das is the chief executive officer and medical director at US institute for advanced Sinus Care and research. He is the former Director of The Ohio State University Sinus and Allergy Center, and an Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University. He is widely recognized as one of the nation’s best sinus surgeons and has received multiple awards as a U.S. board-certified otolaryngologist including a Presidential Citation in 2015 from the American Rhinology Society. In addition, he is a former Research Associate of the Center of Microbial Pathogenesis at the Research Institute, Nationwide Children’s Hospital. His NIH funded research was awarded the 2013 Fowler Award (top basic science research award in otolaryngology) for his work on detecting the cause of sinus infections.
We crossed paths at the University of Virginia where Dr. Das received the Alfred Burger Award for the top pre-medical student at the University before completing his medical degree at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, where he was elected President of his class, received Alpha Omega Alpha Honors, and received the Richard Bowman Scholarship for the top clinical performance. He then attended the University of North Carolina for residency and completed a fellowship in advanced sinus surgery and anterior skull base surgery at the Medical College of Georgia.
He is a leader in minimally invasive sinus surgery, does not use nasal packing, and has helped to develop leading instruments/techniques used in sinus surgery including working on diagnostic tests and therapies to reduce the use of antibiotics for sinus disease, advanced computer guided surgery systems, hydrodebridement therapies for sinus disease, and custom molecular-based therapies to avoid sinus surgery.
Today, we dive into the upstream causes of sinus and ear disease of children and adults. This is especially interesting because of the changes that occurred during COVID leading to new understandings of viral induced disease in humans.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 48

This week we take a look at: Drug Induced Micronutrient Loss, Soleus Push Ups and Miror Neurons

To function at the highest and most optimal state requires providing our human engine with nutrients, both macro and micro types. By macro, I mean fats, carbohydrates and proteins. By micro, I mean minerals and vitamins which are cofactors for enzymatic activity driving the machine to normalcy of action whatever that action is. What dictates sufficiency? How do drugs disrupt this optimization success?
and much more…
Dr. M

Dr. M’s Women and Children First Podcast – Covid Pathophysiology Deep Dive, Death Risk and Disease Prevention

Covid Pathophysiology Deep Dive, Death Risk and Disease Prevention

In this weeks podcast we go very deep into the world of why Covid19 was able to produce so much mortality in the United States. Why were we so unprepared to survive as a culture? Why is this virus so capable of hijacking our immune physiology for it’s benefit? What are the upstream risk factors for a bad outcome. But most importantly, we learn the immune based reasons why we are at risk at the micro level leading to concrete pathways to undoing the risk.

Diving deep is sometimes necessary to find the treasure below. This week is one of those journeys.

Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issue 9, Covid Updates 55

Covid Update # 55
Now that we are passed the opinion Covid newsletter from 2 weeks ago, let us get back to the business of literature review. We need to maintain a sharp focus as a culture on inflammation reducing lifestyle choices to aid our long term survival. The powers that be need to push a stronger narrative around healthy living through education. These issues should be straight forward education with a love bend. This is not a time for the policy makers to act as if they know what is best for us. More that we could all benefit by making these choices for our collective health. We need congress to subsidize healthy food over processed junk as is occurring now.
This week is a heavy focus on Long Covid or PACS. Next covid update will focus on mental health.
Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 12 Issues 4,6 and 8

SPA Audiocast Newsletter Letters 4, 6 and 8

In this issue we discuss the story of fructose, letting go and forgiveness and preparation for allergy season. There is a lot of news to use in this audiocast for allergy season preparation and how to release emotional hurts.


Dr. M

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 24

Did you ever suffer from a cold sore caused by the herpes virus? If so, this audio newsletter is for you. We go through all of the current data regarding cause and treatment.

Herpes Labialis is a common recurrent irritation for many children and parents alike. The Red Book, the bible of pediatric Infectious diseases, is the best resource for understanding Herpes viral infections. There are 8 primary herpes viruses that infect humans including: herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1), herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV2), varicella-zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, Human herpesvirus-6, Human herpesvirus-7, and Kaposi’s sarcoma herpes virus……

Read More at https://www.salisburypediatrics.com/patient-education/dr-magryta-s-newsletter/955-volume-11-letter-24


Dr. M